When doing this project, I felt like I got the chance to connect more with my parents. There were some misconceptions that I had about how they were raised and what exactly their childhoods were like and by asking them questions about their culture I got the chance to clear some of them up. The lives they had in Mexico that I saw in my head were not the lives they really lived. I thought my dad had farmland but then he told me about the systems they had in place where people had to rent land in order to grow their crops. The space you had was what you could afford and I thought it was really eye-opening. I also thought my mom was raised to be a mom, not realizing that there wasn’t really much of a choice. There weren’t many job opportunities, especially in the village that both my parents are from. Women only had the option of being mothers. It’s a reminder on how much people’s lives can vary depending on where they are born, even if its something as small as a different borough or entire continents.